Meadow Run, Ohiopyle State Park, July 13, 2015

With plentiful rain most of the last month, it’s been hard to get much stone balancing done. Not because I don’t enjoy sitting out in the rain. Creek waters have been muddy and high up on the stream banks, touching the forest, leaving few rocks to select from. Actually I enjoy working in the rain. It’s rather tranquil and doesn’t change the properties of balancing stones. It does however prevent me from the nerve wracking task of wetting down the stone balances to help bring the true stone colors out for photos. I spent a mostly dreary day along Meadow Run in Ohiopyle State Park. The water was running at about twice “normal” volume, severely limiting my choices for stones. I discovered a small eddy that had a small beach of stones from which to select.  I wrangled up a few nice selections and set off to balancing. Throughout the day there was a period of heavy downpour which created a wonderful, muted background resulting in some nice photos of what I had built. I hope you enjoy 🙂

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After the storm, Ohiopyle State Park 6_9_2015

A recent lightning storm had me running for cover from Meadow Run creek leaving a started, but unfinished balance. I stashed the rocks and returned the following day to finish what I had begun the day before. A massive top rock finished off what would become a personal favorite for 2015.

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Laurelville 3 Stone Magic

Being seated, stabilized and controlling my breathing were necessary to accomplish this. The never ending quest for the most precarious possible combination continues. A day that started out as normal balancing, suddenly became interesting when I began working this combo in a spot where I just deconstructed (knocked over) one that I didn’t find pleasing. After strolling the creek and reflecting for a moment, these 3 stones presented themselves and became… this for a brief moment in time! I snapped a few photos, smiled and watched it topple for no apparent reason. The top rock broke as if to say “you had your moment of accomplishment.” My cue to continue. Pennsylvania balance Love!


Winter, a stone balancing wonderland

During the past week winter has a put a hard grip on the Laurel Highlands region of Pennsylvania.  Many of the normal water sources I frequent have become mostly covered in ice.  These conditions make the task of delicately balancing stones slightly more difficult, but just as much fun.  I enjoy every experience balancing in nature and am always excited to pack a few extra items and heading out to create.  Winter is a wonderful time to be out.  How can it not put a smile on your face?  Everything is blanketed in snow and open areas of water still contain the basic elements.  In simplicity, stones and the motivational energy of the natural environment.  It’s hard not to be creative when immersed in what winter provides.  Yes the elements are real and they don’t go unnoticed.  Hands do get wet and cold despite which gloves are worn, toes do get uncomfortable even with toe heaters and insulated waders.  These items are necessary allowing me to sit almost motionless in an icy body of water.  Usually the cold is noticed after the intense concentration is no longer aimed at the stones which are now in they’re new balanced form, a changed entity with a different appearance from all angles.  Along with its independent beauty, winter truly compliments a completed balance and adds a different dimension to photos when compared to those taken during the other three seasons.  I enjoy sharing my photos for the world to critique whether is be good or bad.  The most important critique is my own… The most valuable part is the time spent alone, learning about myself, the natural elements and being truthful to my passion.  Here are balances from my recent outings.

Youghiogheny River, Ohiopyle State Park PA

Youghiogheny River, Ohiopyle State Park PA

Jacob's Creek, Laurelville, PA

Jacob’s Creek, Laurelville PA

Jacob's Creek, Laurelville, PA

Jacob’s Creek, Laurelville PA

Cucumber Run, Ohiopyle State Park, PA

Cucumber Run, Ohiopyle State Park PA

Meadow Run, Ohiopyle State Park, PA

Meadow Run, Ohiopyle State Park PA

Jacob's Creek, Laurelville, PA

Jacob’s Creek, Laurelville PA

Jacob's Creek, Laurelville, PA

Jacob’s Creek, Laurelville PA

Jacob's Creek, Laurelville, PA

Jacob’s Creek, Laurelville PA

Linn Run State Park, Rector, PA

Linn Run State Park, Rector PA

January 20, 2015 Stone Balancing

I spent a few morning hours at nearby Linn Run state park, PA.  It was about 28° upon arrival upstream from the Adam’s falls parking area.  The air seemed warm compared to the much colder low teens I’ve been out balancing in recently.  I was anxious to get to balancing stones.  I found a spot near a pool below some currents that seemed to speak to me.  I set my kit down and noticed a very cool ice formation in a small puddle of water beside my packs resting location.  It appeared to be the imprint of a fern, but upon closer inspection it revealed to be the early formation of ice crystals.  I shot a few photos and started selecting stones to balance.  Fortunately I did, because the air temperature warmed up enough to turn the crystals back into liquid form erasing the beautiful formation.

Ice fern

After about an hour of working my chosen stones, I was able to assemble this temporary stone balance sculpture.